Friday, December 27, 2019

Faust, Midas, and Myself: Piano Arrangement by Amelia Moreland

Hello everyone!
Sorry for such a late post, but we have been very busy lately with Christmas and I've had a lot on my mind lately. Another reason for taking so long to post is because of a very special post that I am releasing today that took me a long time to put together!

I wrote a piano arrangement to a song called "Faust, Midas, and Myself" by Switchfoot, and I have been working on that for a few months now. It really shouldn't have taken me that long, but I've just been working on it here and there for a while!

It needs some work, but here is the link to listen to my arrangement of the song:

Life has been pretty hard lately, so I'm not sure when my next post will be. I'll hopefully be writing soon!

- Amelia M.

All of my Art Supplies- 3/22/20

Hello! I hope everyone is doing well!  I just thought I would post today to show you all of the art supplies I own! Okay, to start I&#...