Thursday, June 6, 2019

Day 10 - Sunglasses 6/6/19

Day 10 - Sunglasses
I took this picture on a walk that Mattie and I went on yesterday, the sunset was very pretty! 

- Amelia 

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Day 9 - Transportation 6/5/19

                                                       Day 9 - Transportation
I wasn't too certain what to do for this, but I guess this works! I haven't been skateboarding much lately, but hopefully I will get into it more. I've always just been a bit nervous to do it because I'm not very good, but hopefully I'll be doing it more soon! :) 

- Amelia 

Day 8 - An Activity You Love 6/5/19

Day 8 - An Activity You Love 
This one was a little hard to show in a picture, but I love to draw and listen to music! I would say that I always loved to draw, but I kept doing it mainly because I thought that listening to music for hours at a time while staring at the wall was super fun to me, but not very productive. So I started drawing more often as an excuse to listen to music, and started to really love to draw!


Monday, June 3, 2019

Day 7 - Your Bookshelf 6/3/19

Day 7 - Your Bookshelf 
Sorry that the lighting isn't great, I waited til the sun had already gone down to take the picture and had to use my bedroom light! So this was actually supposed to be a picture of the stuff in my bag/purse, but that's super boring so I decided to make an excuse to show my books newly organized by color haha! :D 

- Amelia 

Sunday, June 2, 2019

Day 6 - A Favorite Place 6/2/19

Day 6 - A Favorite Place
I would probably say that Redfish Lake is one of my favorite places, but because we won't be going there until August, I chose the writing desk in my room! I love to sit there and look out the window or draw or write, or sometimes listen to sixteen hours of music! :D 

- Amelia 

Saturday, June 1, 2019

Day 5 - Something You Made 6/1/19

Day 5- Something You Made
Here is two pairs of socks that I have made! (The only pairs, actually) I made the blue ones first and the gray ones last month! Happy first day of June! 

- Amelia  

Day 4 - A Picture of Yourself 6/1/19

Day 4 - A Picture of Yourself
I didn't get around to putting on the picture for day 4 yesterday so I am going to put day 4 and 5 on today! :) 

- Amelia 

All of my Art Supplies- 3/22/20

Hello! I hope everyone is doing well!  I just thought I would post today to show you all of the art supplies I own! Okay, to start I&#...